To Katrina
Project Manger
Trevor Watkis started off playing the guitar at 10 years old before later switching to the piano. At 21 years old he was awarded a scholarship to study at the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston Massachusetts, USA, where, being so close New York City, he was able to study with, hear and meet some of the world’s greatest jazz musicians.
Trevor has since established himself on the UK jazz scene as a highly respected pianist, band leader and composer, working with renowned artists from both the UK and USA. He has appeared at most of London’s prestigious concert halls and jazz venues including The Royal Festival Hall, The Queen Elizabeth Hall and The Barbican, in addition to many other venues across the country. Trevor is also active in music education as a piano tutor and has led music workshops and seminars with young children in schools in London and throughout the UK.
Trevor Watkis
Nick Makoha
Nick Makoha represented Uganda at Poetry Parnassus as part of London's Cultural Olympiad. A former Writer in Residence for Newham Libraries, his one-man-show My Father & Other Superheroes debuted to sold-out performances at the 2013 London Literature Festival. He was a panelist at both the inaugural Being a Man Festival (Fatherhood: Past, Present & Future) and Women of the World Festival (Bringing Up Boys). In 2005, award-winning publisher Flippedeye launched its pamphlet series with his debut collection The Lost Collection of an Invisible Man. Part of his soon-to-be-published 1st full collection The Second Republic is in the anthology Seven New Generation African Poets (Slapering Hol Press). Nick recently won the Brunel African Poetry prize and has poems that appear in the The Poetry Review, Rialto, The Triquarterly Review and the Boston Review